Laura Nyström with the Alea Prize statue. (Photograph: Gianmarco Castelberg)
“A friendly, respectful atmosphere characterised by responsibility and trust is one of the aspects that her research group particularly values. They also value her extraordinary support in combining work and family life, and her assistance with her employees’ careers,” said Linda Wehner, representative of the non-faculty staff association AVETH, before she presented Laura Nyström with the ALEA Award at today’s staff party togETHer.
Nyström, who works at the Institute of Food, Nutrition and Health, is one of 46 leaders who were nominated as the best leader by their employees this year. In the end, she was the one who most impressed the jury, consisting of representatives from HR, the Staff Commission, Equal, AVETH and the external body UND. Her employees explain what exactly makes the Finn’s leadership style so exemplary in the video.