You can help beat cancer
THE tide is turning in the fight against cancer. 1 in every 2 people born in the UK since 1960 will be diagnosed with cancer at some point in their lifetimes. In the 1970s, only 1 in 4 people in the UK survived cancer for 10 years or more. Whilst survival is now double that, Cancer Research UK has an ambitious aim to see 3 in 4 people surviving by 2034.
A crucial way to achieve this is by investing in cancer researchers such as Claire Armstrong. Claire is one of a new generation of scientists supported by Cancer Research UK, who is developing cutting-edge innovations for cancer treatment. Now in the third year of her PhD at the University of Liverpool, Claire is developing ways to turn traditional chemotherapy drugs that target the entire body, into miniature guided missiles that target only cancer cells.
Why is that a priority in cancer treatment? “Chemotherapy is very good at what it does, which is to destroy cells,” says Claire. “The problem is, it can’t distinguish between healthy cells and cancerous ones.” As a result, the side-effects of chemotherapy can be debilitating.
The solution that Claire is working on has two key components. “My PhD project is looking to encapsulate the chemotherapy drug into polymer nanoparticles. Then I use sophisticated chemistry on the surface of these nanoparticles to target receptors on the surface of tumour cells.”
In other words, the polymer nanoparticles act like ferries, carrying the potent chemotherapy drugs through the bloodstream to cancer cells, and only then releasing them. Pioneering research like Claire’s is destined to make chemotherapy more effective, minimise its side-effects and improve patients’ quality of life.
“The biggest challenges society faces are within healthcare and I firmly believe they can only be addressed by science-based solutions.”
Claire is quick to point out the big-picture benefits of the drug-delivery system she’s working on. “My project is focused on bowel cancer, but we could ultimately apply this science to the entire host of cancer treatments. And the encapsulation process also opens up a whole library of drugs for potential cancer-treatment opportunities,” she says. It’s research like this that will help save lives and improve cancer survival rates.
It’s Claire and other PhD researchers who are working tirelessly behind the scenes progressing cancer research, igniting new ideas and making breakthroughs. But with no government funding, Cancer Research UK relies on public generosity to continue supporting these young scientists. Investing in them today means you could power the cancer breakthroughs of tomorrow.
Cancer Research UK funds more than 100 new PhD researchers every year, in part through a sponsorship scheme. It’s a little like adopting a scientist, says Claire. “The potential sponsor receives a list of researchers to choose from, with a brief description of what we do, where we’re based, and some pictures of us at work.”
After selecting one, the sponsor receives an introduction to the researchers, regular updates on research progress and a thesis summary at the end of the PhD. “It’s a way to share our work with those interested in science,” says Claire. Sponsorship starts at £25 per month with donations going to the Cancer Research UK PhD scheme.
No cancer charity does more to save lives through research, and with the help of sponsors, Cancer Research UK will continue to support the research leaders of tomorrow, to beat cancer.
Cancer research UK is a registered charity in England and Wales (1089464) and Scotland (SCO41666)
How to help
Cancer Research UK needs people like you to invest in the next generation of cancer researchers. If you’d like to sponsor, please visit
This article appeared in print under the headline “You can help beat cancer”