عمومی | Imperial College London

New video encourages clinical staff to undertake research

Staff at Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust feature in a new video explaining why a wide network of clinical staff should get involved in research.

Many health researchers are practising doctors, but Imperial College London and its NHS partner Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust are keen to encourage other clinical staff, such as nurses, midwives and Allied Health Professionals (AHPs), to take up research opportunities. This is because these health professionals have a different perspective on care and so their input to research could lead to better patient outcomes and experiences.

In the video above, staff including Mary Wells, Lead Nurse for Research at the Trust and Professor of Practice in Cancer Nursing at Imperial College London, and Dr Caroline Alexander, Lead Clinical Academic for Therapies and Adjunct Reader at Imperial College London talk about their own research careers.

The video also features patients Melody Ransome and Barrie Newton who explain how taking part in research has led to improvements to their health.

This work is carried out as part of Imperial College Academic Health Science Centre (AHSC), a partnership between Imperial College London and three NHS Trusts.

More information on taking part in research studies and careers can be found on the

Imperial College Academic Training Office (CATO) , NIHR Imperial College Biomedical Research Centre and the Trust’s research pages.