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Spectacular new photos of Titan show Saturn’s moon like never before

Saturn’s moon Titan is more than just a fuzzy orange ball. These new images, constructed from 13 years of data from the Cassini spacecraft , are our best pictures of what Titan would look like without its dense, hazy atmosphere.

The atmosphere scatters visible light, making it impossible to see down to the surface, but it lets some wavelengths of infrared light through.

Using infrared detectors allowed Cassini to pierce the veil and peer right down to the frigid moon’s surface, revealing its rolling dunes and oily methane seas.


Best for a decade

The Cassini spacecraft ended its mission by plunging into Saturn in September 2017, so these are likely the best pictures we’ll have of Titan’s surface for at least a decade. Nevertheless, continuing to process all the data from Cassini will continue to give us new information for years to come.

“A mission and its scientific legacy doesn’t end when the spacecraft stops,” says Ralph Lorenz at Johns Hopkins University in Maryland. “These new images are a good example of the sort of cleaner, more uniform and comprehensive product we can make by consolidating all the data from Cassini’s epic mission.”

Read more: Cassini’s 10 best pictures from its 13-year voyage around Saturn

Titan in particular is of interest to researchers because of its potential for life unlike anything we see on Earth. It is the only other place in the solar system with liquid on its surface, and it is jam-packed with the types of complex chemicals necessary for living organisms.

But no matter how good our pictures are, we can’t examine that chemistry in detail or look for life from far above the surface. That’s why NASA is considering a new mission there, called the Dragonfly mission, which would send a flying drone to hop around Titan’s surface.

“The rich and varied surface composition shown in these images underscores the value of mobility in future Titan exploration,” says Lorenz. If NASA selects the Dragonfly mission for funding, it will launch in 2025 and arrive at Titan in 2030.

Read more: Return to Titan: Why this icy world is our best bet to find life