Podcast: Retiring legends in music and glass, and misdiagnosing diabetes
In this edition: Looking back on the careers of Imperial’s music director and scientific glassblower, and learning how diabetes can be misdiagnosed.
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News: A new type of photosynthesis and recovering from an asteroid strike – We discuss a study that will rewrite the textbook on photosynthesis and help the hunt for alien life, and a startling result that shows life recovered quickly after the asteroid strike that killed the dinosaurs.
39 years of musical direction – Richard Dickins has been the soul of music at Imperial for nearly 40 years. We hear about his career highlights, including winning a symphony orchestra competition without an academic music department and opening the Blyth Centre .
50 years of glassblowing – Steve Ramsey’s retirement day will mark 50 years since he got his first glassblowing job. We hear how he built a career out of a love of working with his hands, ending up making bespoke scientific instruments at Imperial and becoming a registered scientist .
Misdiagnosing diabetes – A remarkable study has revealed that a rare type of diabetes is routinely missed in the UK, particularly in ethnic minorities. The finding means some patients can stop taking insulin, replacing injections with a tablet.
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The podcast is presented by Gareth Mitchell, a lecturer on Imperial's MSc Science Communication course and the presenter of Click Radio on the BBC World Service, with contributions from our roving reporters in the Research Communications group.