Audit Division announces Infinite Mile Awards
On June 13, the MIT Audit Division announced its 18th annual Infinite Mile Award recipients. The awards were presented at a luncheon celebrating and honoring the two individuals, Suwen Duan and Erin Coates, who received the awards for their 2018 contributions.
Suwen Duan, senior data analyst, was honored in the category of Collaboration and Community Building. Duan has an excellent capacity to initiate discussions with anyone who may have valuable input — all with the goal of ensuring the best information is available for any data analytics request. Her role is such that she works with everyone, from the senior auditors within various teams to the Institute auditor. Whether it is an ad-hoc request, often under tight deadline, or a long-term project, Duan has worked successfully with her colleagues in the Audit Division to design successful final products. She has also reached out to her colleagues around the Institute in order to engage them, learn, and assist if and when needed. A highlight of her hard work took place on May 21, when she hosted the first MIT Data Analyst Meeting with the goal of promoting and establishing an Institute group that can continue to collaborate in the quest for innovative ways to explore the vast amount and variety of data at MIT.
Erin Coates, senior internal auditor, was recognized in the category of Communication, Collaboration and Community Building and Excellence and Accountability. Coates excels on many levels in regard to her communication skills. She is always courteous when discussing topics with the auditees, well prepared and to the point, with a goal to take minimal necessary valuable clients’ time but also obtain the information needed. Coates is first to suggest ideas to recognize and celebrate a colleague’s milestone, thus promoting an inclusive and mutually respective community. Individuals outside the Audit Division appreciate Coates’ demeanor and her quality of work. All work product and tasks are executed to the best of her ability and in a timely manner. She understands the concept of accountability and in doing so thoroughly ensures audit methodology is followed during audits. Coates has exhibited the desire to learn as much about the Institute as possible through participating in and volunteering in events outside the division.
The Infinite Mile Awards have been a longstanding tradition within MIT. The Infinite Mile Award is intended to recognize individuals or teams from within the Audit Division or other collaborators who have made extraordinary contributions to help the division carry out its mission of being an independent, objective, innovative, and flexible business partner that adds value to the Institute. Nominations are submitted by colleagues who have recognized an individual that they feel has made a significant impact to the division's work and/or been a strong support or inspiration to them.