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Cosmic cooperation is just what space exploration needs

SPACE, as Douglas Adams once pithily observed, is big. Really big. Our attempts to explore it seem puny by comparison: only a dozen astronauts have walked on the moon , and nine space probes have visited the outer solar system .

But space exploration is more than the sum of its parts, and by collating what we learn about different space rocks we are piecing together a bigger picture. When NASA’s New Horizons probe arrived at Pluto in 2015, the dwarf planet’s make-up stumped researchers – until a comparison with findings by the ESA Rosetta spacecraft, which visited comet 67P in 2014 , revealed it is perhaps made of a billion such comets, smashed and squeezed together to make a world (see “ Pluto is not a planet – it’s a billion comets squished together ”).


ESA and NASA now plan to work together on a mission to gather what could be the most valuable rock of all: a pristine piece of Mars (see “ We need to grab some rocks from Mars – let’s just get on with it ”). Subjected to a full battery of tests on Earth, such a rock could help unlock one of the deepest mysteries: whether life ever spawned elsewhere.

In a world of straitened budgets, such cooperative ventures are to be welcomed – not least for the way they make space seem that little bit smaller.

This article appeared in print under the headline “Cosmic cooperation”

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