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We can’t trick people into accepting genetically modified foods

THE idea that a long and healthy life starts in our shopping baskets is as tempting to consumers as it is to the food industry, which is usually keen to shout about the potential benefits of so-called superfoods. But a new wave of healthier products is making its way on to our dinner plates with a deafening lack of fanfare.

The reason is simple: they are genetically modified. And for all the potential health benefits, they come served with a side helping of unwanted baggage.


The first wave of GM foods were designed to benefit the farmers that grew them and the corporations that engineered them, rather than the people eating them. Now we are seeing GM produce that offers healthier alternatives to everyday staples like bread and oil, as well as more exotic fare.

In theory this is a fresh opportunity to make the case for GM. With products like “good-gluten” bread, it is a chance to reach a new generation who are ever more concerned about diet and health, and who are among those most likely to believe that GM foods are bad for us.

But as our report “A new kind of superfood” (see “ The new wave of GM superfoods everyone should be talking about ”) finds, so far the signs are that manufacturers would rather you didn’t know that these foods are GM, preferring to hide behind opaque labelling laws. This means that in some cases, we will be eating these foods whether we want to or not.

Take the case of GM frying oils which are healthier because they are free from trans fats, thought to be a cause of heart attack and stroke. New legislation in the US banning trans fats has given these oils a big push. The science here is solid – there is little doubt that the GM alternatives are better for us.

But to persuade an already sceptical public of these benefits we need transparency. Health by stealth is not the solution.

This article appeared in print under the headline “A matter of taste”

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