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Babies should mix with other children to lower leukaemia risk

Not encountering the right germs during the first year of life may be one of the main causes of the most common form of childhood leukaemia. Mel Greaves , at the Institute of Cancer Research in London, has suggested that acute lymphoblastic leukaemia could be prevented by priming infants’ immune systems by exposing them to harmless microbes .

In a review of more than 30 years of research, Greaves has concluded that acute lymphoblastic leukaemia is most likely triggered by a variety of infections in children who are predisposed to the disease because their immune systems have not been properly primed.

Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia is rare, affecting around one in 2000 children in the UK a year. It is more common in affluent societies, and a wide range of possible triggers have been proposed, from radiation exposure to chemical pollutants.


But Greaves thinks the condition is caused by a two-step process of genetic changes that lead children to have abnormally formed immune systems.

The first step is a genetic predisposition to acute lymphoblastic leukaemia which, it has been suggested, may be caused by an infant not having the chance to develop their immune system properly. The trigger for the second step might be a common infection, such as seasonal flu. Historical records show spikes in childhood leukaemia can follow six months after flu epidemic peaks.

Hygiene and microbes

If a lack of exposure to microbes in early life plays a key role in acute lymphoblastic leukaemia, it could explain why babies that aren’t breastfed, do not mix with other children in nurseries , are born by Caesarian section, or do not have siblings are more likely to develop the disease.

The hygiene hypothesis is famous for positing that modern lifestyles mean we get fewer infections, which make us more likely to develop a range of conditions, including allergies and immune disorders. But the hypothesis is often misinterpreted as suggesting that rich nations are “too clean”. It is now thought that the real issue is a lack of exposure to a diverse array of relatively harmless microbes . Cleanliness, however, is still necessary to prevent the spread of potentially serious infections like norovirus and food poisoning.

“This new study suggests that early exposure to infection may be beneficial in some children with a genetic predisposition to childhood leukaemia. However, this still needs further investigation and any exposure of young children to infection has to be balanced with the risk of the infection,” says Donna Lancaster, a paediatric oncologist at The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust. “In the future, there may be ways to develop an immunisation which mimics this process in order to prevent leukaemia from developing.”

At a press briefing, Greaves said parents should “in no way” be blamed for children developing leukaemia, but he urged them to encourage contact between their babies and “as many other children as possible” in the first year of life.

Journal reference: Nature Reviews Cancer

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