عمومی | Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

Featured video: Making music with the Chorallaries of MIT

How do you transform emotion from the soul, through the body, to the voice, and elicit a physiological response from the audience? Mechanical engineering senior Isabel "Izzy" Lloyd and fellow members of the MIT Chorallaries a capella group figure out this complex transformation every time they get together and sing.

One of only 20 groups worldwide to be selected to appear on the prestigious Best of College Acappella (BOCA) album for 2018 , the Chorallaries are a force to be reckoned with in the a cappella community. For Lloyd, music is a way to relax, reset, and release — to switch off the mathematical equations and tune in to the art and connections of music.

"I think it's important to realize the value that lies at the intersection of art and science and how it pertains to society and life and culture all around us," Lloyd says. "The ability relax and reset with music, to make something beautiful together, and to be able to share it with others, inspires me, and helps me parse out my life a little bit so I can focus on my work as an engineer."

Submitted by: School of Engineering | Video by: Lillie Paquette | 5 min, 26 sec