Graduation day for 2021 Calibre leadership programme
Graduates from a previous Calibre cohort
Calibre leadership graduates’ final presentations included recommendations to improve the work environment for College staff living with a disability.
Calibre is a talent development and leadership programme for staff who identify as neurodiverse or disabled, or who have a long term physical or mental health condition. The ten graduates on the 2021 programme, which was run remotely, were Calibre’s ninth cohort.
College Secretary,
John Neilson
has attended every Calibre graduation since the programme began. He said: “I have
Dogs and dragons
Staff living with disabilities can face several different types of barriers in the workplace. These can include environmental barriers such as steps, kerbs and lighting; institutional barriers such as rules and policies; and attitudinal barriers such as fear, hostility, ignorance and patronising attitudes.
Dammy Shittu is a Research Technician in the
Department of Life Sciences
and she has a hereditary physical condition. She presented on the challenges she has faced in getting permission to be allowed to have her
Dammy said: “It was a very difficult having my request to have my trainee-assistance dog live with me refused. Although I felt sure that I should be allowed to have a dog in campus accommodation, it was a hard and stressful process getting the decision overturned. I would like to prevent anyone else having to go through this and I think there are some easy steps that Imperial can take to make that happen. I would also like the Imperial community to be educated about the amazing things that assistance dogs can do for people.”
The importance of good leaders
The Calibre leadership programme builds on 21st-century thinking of disability leadership to ensure that we see more disabled leaders in a variety of positions within Imperial. The programme enables participants to learn more about disability and leadership as well as developing their presentation skills and supporting them as they design a personal project.
Whilst Calibre helps participants to develop their own leadership skills, a theme of several presentations was that the support of individual line managers was essential for disabled staff to feel truly able to be themselves at work. Knowing when and how to talk about their disability was not a trivial thing for the Calibre participants and building the confidence to do this was made much easier with supportive colleagues.
Rebecca Gill is a Producer in the
Digital Learning Hub
who has ME (myalgic encephalomyelitis). Rebecca has experienced previous employers refuse
Normalising and appreciating difference
Robert Woodward is a Senior Learning Designer in the Faculty of Engineering who has dyslexia. His project examined how to raise awareness amongst non-dyslexic staff of how typical working and learning environments present a myriad of challenges for dyslexic staff. Robert said: “We need to find ways to change the system, not just expect dyslexic and staff living with other disabilities to find coping mechanisms to fit into the system.”
Professor Stephen Curry
, Assistant Provost for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, agreed. He said: “It is essential that we normalise and
Find out more
The Calibre programme has been developed and is delivered by Dr Ossie Stuart , an international disability consultant and academic, in partnership with Imperial's Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Centre .
For more information about Calibre , including information about next year’s programme, please contact