عمومی | New Scientist

Pancake day: A recipe for pancakes and the science of how it works

What you need

300 grams plain flour
1 teaspoon of baking powder
Half a teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate
1 teaspoon of salt
1 tablespoon of sugar
2 eggs
600 millilitres buttermilk
60 grams melted butter
Maple syrup

SHROVE Tuesday, which this year falls on 25 February, is marked in some countries by making pancakes . At their simplest, they use a batter of flour, eggs and milk. This works well for thin, crepe-style pancakes . But I’m going to make fluffy US-style pancakes, which need a thicker batter – and bubbles.

As pancakes cook, starch granules in the flour absorb water, …