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Baboons that live together in tight-knit groups have similar ‘accents’

Male baboons living in the same group sound more like one another than males in other groups, suggesting that social interaction may be key to vocal similarities in non-human primates.

Communication in primates is fairly sophisticated. They produce a range of sounds and can adapt them to warn others of oncoming threats. Some species copy the calls of those closest to them, just as humans involuntarily raise the pitch or frequency of our voices to match others in conversation.

Julia Fischer at the German Primate Center in Göttingen and her team tested how social interaction could lead to vocal similarities in Guinea baboons ( Papio papio ) living in Niokolo-Koba National Park in Senegal.

The baboons live in gangs made up of several parties. Each party consists of a male and several female mates. “They live in this tolerant, hippy society where males groom one another and there’s very little competition,” says Fischer. During bonding interactions, males grunt as a sign of friendship, she says.

Fischer and her team recorded several grunts from 27 males from two gangs and analysed the frequency, call length and tone of each sound to determine similarities.

They found that grunts sounded more similar within gangs than between gangs. There were also a higher number of similarities within the individual parties. “This is probably a result of being exposed to the sound of your group,” says Fischer.

She says it is possible that the baboons are replicating the sounds they hear , similar to the way that humans pick up accents. Fischer suggests that having the same “accent” may be important for social bonding in Guinea baboons, as it could create a greater level of trust between gang members.

Research into non-human primate communication can help us understand the evolution of language. Fischer says this work indicates there are multiple ways that language learning comes about. “You can have different forms of vocal learning, like the ones seen in the baboons, but it might be very different from the way we learn words.”

Zanna Clay at Durham University in the UK says this research shows that baboons are more flexible than previously thought. Despite them not having true voices, “it hints at the potential bridge between intentional vocal learning in humans and other primates in our shared evolutionary history”, she says.

Journal reference: Proceedings of the Royal Society B , DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2020.2531

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