عمومی | University of Cambridge

A special service for Remembrance Sunday 2020

‘A Service of Remembrance and Reconciliation for County, City, and University’, will include a blend of pre-recorded videos and live streaming from the church in Senate House Hill. It will be held in advance of the 2-minute silence at 11am, and can be accessed via YouTube here .

The Vicar of Great St Mary’s, the Reverend Canon Adrian Daffern, will lead the service which will also feature readings by the Vice-Chancellor of the University of Cambridge, Professor Stephen Toope, and the Mayor of Cambridge, Councillor Russ McPherson.

Prayers will be led by the Lord-Lieutenant of Cambridgeshire, Mrs Julie Spence OBE QPM.

Reverend Canon Adrian Daffern said: “The complexities of our present age can so easily overwhelm us. Taking time to remember the sacrifices made by millions in the past is more important than ever, if we are to learn the lessons of history, and build a peaceable future.”