New location for "HGZZ info room"

The generation project for the Zurich City University District (HGZZ) is a joint initiative by the canton and city of Zurich, the University of Zurich (UZH), University Hospital Zurich (USZ) and ETH Zurich. Over the next 30 years, the centre of Zurich will see new construction projects that will secure the continued world-class development of the three institutions.
The project partners have set up a public exhibition room in the University of Zurich’s “Alte Druckerei” (old printing room) at Rämistrasse 78, where the general public can read about the development of the university district. It includes information about the vision for the district and the collaboration between the three institutions USZ, UZH and ETH. The construction projects for the University of Zurich and University Hospital Zurich are also detailed. One section of the exhibition focuses on topical developments.
info@hgzz.zh.chFurther information
Public dialogueجدیدترین اخبار