عمومی | science mag

Podcast: Getting bisphenol A out of food containers, and tracing minute chemical mixtures in the environment


As part of a special issue on chemicals for tomorrow’s Earth, we’ve got two green chemistry stories. First, host Sarah Crespi talks with contributing correspondent Warren Cornwell about how a company came up with a replacement for the popular can lining material bisphenol A and then recruited knowledgeable critics to test its safety.

Sarah is also joined by Beate Escher of the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research and the University of Tübingen to discuss ways to trace complex mixtures of humanmade chemicals in the environment. They talk about how new technologies can help detect these mixtures, understand their toxicity, and eventually connect their effects on the environment, wildlife, and people .

Read more in the special issue on chemicals for tomorrow’s Earth .

This week’s episode was edited by Podigy .

Listen to previous podcasts .

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