Alan Friedman (USA), Silent Spring Sun
Petar Babić (Croatia), The Carina Nebula
David Ros Garcia (Spain), The last of us ۲.۰
Jordi Delpeix Borrell (Spain), The Lord of the rings and his court
Bernard Miller, Martin Pugh (USA), The Sculptor Galaxy
Marc Toso (USA), Reflections of Mount Hooker
Nicolai Brügger (Germany), Road to glory
Majid Ghohroodi (Iran), Embrace of the mountains, heart of the universe!
© Yifan Bai (China), Albany Milkyway
Miguel Claro (Portugal), A Titanium Moon
Majid Ghohroodi (Iran), Embrace of the mountains, heart of the universe!
Yiming Li (China), Seven-colour feather of the moon